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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

19th February 2017
Windsurfing: Playa Villananitos at Lo Pagan
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Stength: 15/25
Surf / Sea State: flat
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed: 27.03 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 57.19 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Sunday 19th February – windsurf ***** Playa Villananitos at Lo Pagan – sunny periods

F2 Ride 282, 38 cm fin, Tushingham Lightning 7.8 – wind Levante – NE 15/25
Max. 27.03 kts, ave. 25.55 kts, 106 km (63 miles), mile 21.29 kts , alpha 18.4 kts , hours 18.34, 16.67 & 15.92 kts !!! :)

I had a good night at our exposed beachside spot near Lo Pagan port but the Levante had picked up in the night. We woke up at 6 and Mag said there had been a clanking sound for ages, me being a bit deaf hadn’t heard it. We dozed off again and didn’t wake up until 9!! Most unusual. Had breakfast about ten by which time I had sorted the noise problem. We were parked near a metal flag pole with a chain running to the top which was blowing in the wind - by now approaching 30 mph - but by tightening the chain around the cleat I stopped it - should have looked at 6 then the camper who left at first light might have had a better night too!!!
There was no one sailing on this beach but a couple of kiters were going out the downwind side of the port. I was on a mission to find some flat water which Lo Pagan is well known for. The best spot is the beach right next to the path leading to the Molino De La Caketera which we later learned is the Playa Villananitos. When we got there several windsurfers had already rigged. We found a great place to park on a junction allowing us to turn the wrong way up the one-way sea front road and park so our side door is right by the prom:) I then had a little walk to check what size to rig as the wind is cross off here and difficult to judg. The wind is always going to be a little lighter than on the coast as it has to cross the salt lakes to get here and the locals had rigged from 4.7 to 9.5 which wasn’t much help! The general consensus was rig big so I went for the 7.8 which I got in a right flap rigging putting the mast the wrong side of the cams and had to start again. I then struggled to get in my wetsuit, they always shrink when you haven’t worn them for a while, I would just like to thank Mag for her help and patience in getting me on the water and taking some great pics too:)
It was very shallow leaving the beach, in fact you could stand over nearly the whole windsurfing area making it very safe. I was not sure if there were any fin breaking shallows but I didn’t hit the bottom once although it gets close in places! What a top venue this is with over a mile to the windmill and the closer you sailed to the path the flatter the water gets but to stay in the flat water it was a bit of a beat both ways so not particularly fast but what great fun. After seeing me off the beach Mag cleared away board bags and my usual windsurfing debris, then walked the 3km to the mill so I could sail fairly close to her when I spotted her. She saw several birds and there were loads of people enjoying a breezy walk/bike/segue/roller skate/scooter with her! I wanted to try for an hour and did two in this session. When the sun came out it was perfect flying along in flat water with a mountain backdrop just beautiful:) The locals who were very friendly liked to drop in by the windmill for a chat which made a nice gybing place, I tried sailing further down the Mar Menor (this huge inland sea) but soon learned why the locals were not doing it when I came to a large net suspended on floats and had to bail out! Then I went for a fast mile which meant sailing farther out in the windier part of the lagoon and had my biggest disaster when I hit another net and went off the back of my board which sailed away. I panicked a bit but after some frantic swimming I managed to catch up to my board. I was now tangled in the net but I escaped eventually and headed back to the shore for a rest and a bite to eat with Mag who was reading her book on the beach almost completely sheltered from the wind. We were then entertained by a man having fun on a motorised surfboard – we also saw four brilliant green ringed Parakeets flying along the beach!! :)
Rested I went out at two and didn’t return until four, the wind had increased a bit but swung a little making staying in the flatter water harder! There were now loads of kites out especially right in the corner, a good spot to learn and there must have been at least 20 sailors out during the day:)
So, no great speeds, I made 27 kts by going really broad over the swell but I did 106 km (63 miles) and had three hours of 18,16 and 15 kts so a great day was had by all:)
Back at the van had a wash, packed up and rested, an hour reading and watching the sailing action before Mag and I went for a nice walk along the prom to the town even if it was a bit chilly. Back home for filled pasta and a cracking night on ‘Brits abroad’ Spectrum fm. They play all the songs from our era and we know all the words!! We have invented a game of naming the tune before they start singing! Sad I know. What a top day:)

Photo Gallery Here

Toys Used:
F2 Ride - Limited Edition 282
Tushingham Lightning 7.8
Mystic  Majestic xl



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